Natural Spa Bagni di San Filippo

Are you in Val d’Orcia looking for relaxation and breathtaking places? Near Castiglione d’Orcia, there is a magical place in the woods that is the perfect synthesis of what you are looking for: the natural baths of Bagni San Filippo.
Arrived in the woods, after parking, continue on foot among the trees and you will find in front of you a spectacle that you will never forget! Follow the sound of the water and you will find yourself in front of the Fosso Bianco, which collects the waters that flow from the various sources, creating pools and pools where you can immerse yourself and spend a few hours of true relaxation.

A real natural thermal oasis, where the waters gush out at a temperature of 48 °, cooling slowly down towards the valley. You can therefore find tubs with various temperatures and this makes it possible to take a nice relaxing bath in the natural baths of Bagni San Filippo at any time of the year.

Natural Spa Bagni di San Filippo

The Fosso Bianco is bordered by a small and suggestive path that, making its way through the trees, will lead you in front of the suggestive “White Whale”, an enormous limestone formation, formed over millennia that owes its name to its shape that recalls the mouth of a whale.

Here the different water temperatures and the strong presence of limestone will make these pools real color palettes, creating a surreal atmosphere in which you will want to abandon yourself and think of nothing else, if not your serenity. These colors then change continuously according to the season making the natural spas always different!

It is also possible to find natural muds on the bottom of each tank, with which you can make beauty masks, particularly suitable for face and body skin treatments.
So all that remains is to immerse yourself, forget the world out there and let yourself go.


Vasca relax


Natural Spa Bagni di San Filippo
Bagni San Filippo, SI, Italia

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